The Toxicity of Online Spaces


12 April 2023

48 mins 28 secs

Your Host

About this Episode

I was banned from several subreddits recently, for merely commenting in a totally separate community. Maybe you think it's a good thing, that certain voices be silenced in order to protect others from dangerous ideas, or something like that. But it must be recognized: an insidious trend is growing - people are power-tripping, possessed by idiology, and turning everything political. Conversations are getting harder, people more radical, and spaces less tolerant. I shouldn't be banned from participating in a photo community merely for having certain skepticism about lockdowns. That doesn't make sense. And dare I say it: it's something straight out of 1984 and Big Brother - all activity is being monitored and screened for wrongthink. I hate to sound paranoid, and I really don't care too much, but even if you're on the side of power, why would you want to alienate your "enemies" to this degree? Nothing good comes from it.